Choosing to seek guidance from a tarot reader is a big step in your journey toward spiritual healing. If you’re feeling lost, the teachings of a tarot reader can illuminate a new path forward in your life.

Whether you need answers regarding yourself, your loved ones, or your career, spending time with an experienced teacher can prove invaluable.

The Hermit's Lantern illustration
It can seem intimidating to come up with questions to guide your session. Know that the reader and the cards have heard it all before. Though, some questions can reveal more useful information than others.

Read through this selection of questions before determining which you want to ask during your reading.

Tarot Card Questions About Yourself

If your primary goal is to get a deeper sense of who you are and your place in the universe, here are some ideas of questions to ask:

  • Is it time for me to make a change in my life?
  • How will I know I’m on the right path?
  • What can I do more to improve myself?
  • Are there things I could do to feel more fulfilled?
  • Am I being the most authentic version of myself?
  • Am I putting out the energy I want to attract?
  • In what aspects of my life could I be happier?
  • In what aspects will I get the most meaning out of my life?

Our longest relationship is the one with ourselves. We’ll go over questions for other relationships in the next section.

Tarot Card Questions About Love

If you’re looking to improve the status of your relationship or overall love life, here are some types of questions to ask:

  1. What traits about myself are standing in my way from finding love?
  2. How will I know I’ve found the right person for me?
  3. What can I do to make myself a better partner?
  4. What can I do to feel more secure in my relationships?
  5. How do I better communicate with my partners?
  6. How can I foster growth in my relationship?
  7. What qualities have I been missing in a partner?
  8. Is the person I’m meant to be with already in my life?
  9. When will I know I’m ready for love?

Having answers to questions like these will allow you to thrive in meaningful relationships. Check out the questions below for advice on a meaningful career and financial life.

Tarot Card Questions About Career and Money

Seeing guidance on the next moves for your career? Try asking these questions for insights at your tarot reading:

  1. Are there things I could do to help advance my career?
  2. Am I making any mistakes in building my career?
  3. How will I know when I’m in the right job?
  4. What does success look like for me?
  5. How can I improve my work-life balance?
  6. What can I do to strengthen my financial situation?
  7. Where in my budget do I need to pay closer attention?
  8. What areas of my life have the highest money-making potential?

Incorporating any of these into your session will surely bring the answers required to make a positive change.

Final Thoughts on What to Ask Your Tarot Card Reader

Hopefully, you know better what you’re hoping to find during your tarot reading.

The question you end up choosing will be telling in and of itself. Whichever you choose will be the one meant for you. The most important thing is to be open and receptive to what the cards and the reader say.

Hermit’s Lantern offers professional, completely virtual readings. The Hermit provides honest readings to help you tap into your innermost wisdom.

You’re here for a reason. You have questions, so let’s find the answers. Is there a question that has been gnawing at your mind? Schedule your online tarot reading now.

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