Hermetic tarot deck cards

The purpose of tarot card reading is to help gain insight into your life’s past, present, and future. Nevertheless, before getting a tarot card reading, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the cards used for it, so you can tell the fake from the real.

4 Ways to Know if Your Tarot Card Reader is Being Genuine

Just like you can always find counterfeits of original products, there are also fake tarot readers on the web seeking to prey on unsuspecting individuals who are getting their tarot card reading for the first time.

We’ve put together a list of ways you can make sure that your tarot reader has your best interest at heart and is not scamming you.

  1. They Don’t Pry for Information

If your reader is suddenly asking a lot of detailed questions about your life, beware. They’re likely to be quack. Instead of reading the cards, they focus on your answers to their questions and how you react to certain questions. Then they formulate a theory and manipulate you into believing their so-called predictions for your life.

A legit tarot reader will never try to get information from you before telling you what the card says. They won’t make you feel like you’re being interrogated.

You should be the one asking all the questions to get a good reading.

  1. Their Focus is Mostly on the Cards

Tarot readers read cards, not your facial expressions. Genuine tarot readers get their information and knowledge from the cards.

While you ask your questions and choose your cards, their job is to read and interpret the cards and tell you how to apply the readings to your life. Expect a legit tarot reader to have practical knowledge of their craft. They shouldn’t be looking at you for information – their card should be their main source of information.

  1. They Would Never Say You’re Cursed

If your tarot reader ever tells you that you’re cursed, leave and never return! A scammer will claim that the issues in your life are a result of the curse someone has placed on you.

Getting a tarot card reading is to help you – not to instill fear and anxiety. Some non-reputable tarot readers use this trick to get a potential client to keep coming back for solutions on how to lift the curse. Some quacks even step it up a notch and demand money or gifts as a means to break the curse. Don’t fall for such clown tactics.

A legitimate reader knows that you’re responsible for the outcome of your life and will guide you on how to focus on the things you can control to better your life.

  1. They Don’t Make the Reading Session Longer Than Necessary

When booking a tarot reading session, it’s important to note that charges are time-based. That means the more time you spend during a session, the more you pay.

A genuine reader knows this and won’t keep you any longer than necessary. They will also ensure that you get more than enough value for your money during the session. On the other hand, a quack will intentionally prolong the session, filling it with unnecessary talks, to get more money from you.

You’re here for a reason. You have questions, so let’s find the answers. Is there a question that has been gnawing at your mind? Schedule your online tarot reading now.

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