The internet has made tarot more accessible than ever.

You can now access online decks, teach yourself to interpret the cards, and connect with a reader farther away. Plenty of options for tarot card readings extend far beyond the scope of sitting face-to-face across from an eccentric sage-like presence.

We’ll discuss the accuracy and validity of these different online tarot card readings:

  • Computer-generated
  • YouTube and TikTok
  • Virtual session

Keep reading to uncover the differences between these methods before deciding how to get the most accurate tarot card reading.

Computer-Generated Tarot Card Readings Accuracy

The resulting spread of this tarot reading relies on a predetermined algorithm choosing which cards populate into a spread whenever the user decides. Is trusting the algorithm so different from the cards shuffled by human hands?

This reading will resemble giving yourself a tarot card reading instead of receiving one from a reader. The results can easily be as accurate as your reading at home. It may give you a vague interpretation of the cards, but likely only a surface-level, pre-programmed one.

Plenty of free versions of this method serve as an excellent option for someone without access to a tarot deck or the means to purchase one. You can find another free option for tarot card readings with a more personal touch in online videos.

YouTube or TikTok Tarot Card Readings Accuracy 

Though more formal than an algorithmic tarot card reading, a video tarot card reading conducted by a practitioner via YouTube or TikTok can have a few drawbacks. The creators design these videos for a large audience, and each person who sees the video will receive the same reading. It removes a sense of individuality and personalization, making a tarot card reading so effective.

The reading will likely be more general, though you may find a video on a dedicated topic such as relationships or family. Videos about specific issues will likely contain more accurate content for a situation. The person in the video can interpret the cards for you, but not as they relate to your unique position because they don’t know what it is.

If a particular video shows up on your “Recommended” or “For You” page can feel like a message—and it might just be that exactly!

These videos can have the potential to be accurate and applicable, depending on what you hope to get out of a reading. A virtual session with an online reader is your best bet for the most tailored and accurate reading.

Personalized Online Tarot Card Readings Accuracy

The most similar experience to a live, in-person tarot card reading available is to receive a one-on-one session from a trained reader. This person will interpret the cards and apply them directly to the question, situation, and information with which you came to them. It takes most trust and vulnerability to engage with a tarot card reader, which is the reason it can lead to a deeper connection to the cards and their meaning.

These readings are the most formal and conducted by readers with the most training to give customized readings. This is the best option for those looking for the most intimate—and thus—accurate reading.

Final Thoughts on the Accuracy of Online Tarot Card Readings 

Depending on your circumstances and constraints, a computer-generated, video, or one-on-one online tarot reading could be right for you. All of these can offer accurate readings, but the degree of precision will vary. Opt for a personalized online tarot card reading for the most reliable reading.

Visit Hermit’s Lantern to schedule an appointment for an accurate tarot card reading via Zoom.

You’re here for a reason. You have questions, so let’s find the answers. Is there a question that has been gnawing at your mind? Schedule your online tarot reading now.

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